Friday, March 5, 2010

Powdered Milk

I have thought of doing a post like this, especially since we had the occasion to try out 4 different varieties of powdered milk at our home over the last few months. Here is a great review from the Utah Preppers blog, which saves me from writing a big post.

Of the 4 we tried recently (Albertsons brand, LDS cannery, Morning Moo, and Country Cream), I actually liked the Albertsons brand the best followed by Country Cream. I got a screaming deal on the Albertsons milk. It was a close out deal when the store was switching over. I wish I would have known how cheap it was at the time or I would have bought all that was available. Oh well. My kids don't care for the Morning Moo at all. Anyway, for what it's worth I will probably buy a couple of the Country Cream variety again for drinking milk (to use when I can't or shouldn't go to the store) but will stock up on cannery milk when I can for long term storage as it's the best price.