Monday, April 13, 2009

Produce Deals this week (through the 18th)

Springville Reams:
Artichokes $0.79/each
Celery $0.39/lb
Russet Potatoes $1.39/10lbs
Fresh Express Spinach $.99/9oz
Red, Green & Black Grapes Seedless $.89/ lb
Mango $0.50/each
Oranges - Large Choice $.29/lb
Pineapple $0.59lb
Pears $0.79/each
Kiwi 6/$1.00
Leaf Lettuce - Red, Green & Romaine $.79/each
Cantaloupe & Honeydew $.59/lb

Provo Buy Low:
See the Ad Here

Orem Sunflower Market:
If you go on Wednesdays they have a double ad going (two week long ads overlap for just a day). I've never been there, but my SIL likes to visit on Wednesdays and then heads over to Buy Low to get the Wednesday produce deals there.