Friday, February 12, 2010

How Poor Am I?

Our tough economic climate has led me to start a little game I like to call, "How poor am I?"

It goes like this:
I find that the 4 lbs of chicken legs and thighs in my freezer are freezer burnt. I ask myself, "Should I still use them?" and then the game question, "How poor am I?"
The answer this time was "yes, I still use them."

Another time:
I make macaroni and cheese and the kids I babysit do not eat it. Should I scoop it up and save it for my kids' lunch tomorrow?..."How poor am I?"
The answer this time was "no, throw it away."

The other day I purchased some Tostitos chips from Walgreens. After the store promotion and mail in rebate they would be free. The only variety available was the "hint of lime" variety. Don't ever buy them, they are disgusting. Of course I was bummed because although I'll get some money back in the future for them, I was left with time wasted and a product I couldn't use. On the package there was a product guarantee. I thought, "Should I call?" then I asked myself the question, "How poor am I?" The answer this time was, "yes." I called and explained my dissatisfaction with the "hint of lime" flavor. Today I received 2 coupons for a free product.

This led me to call: Rhodes, Kraft, and Mars to comment on their products.

I also re-use zip loc baggies. Yes I'm that poor.


(Tongue and cheek- we have food to eat and can pay our bills)


Leslie said...

I'm afraid I've been saying yes to that question a lot lately. Thanks to software company layoffs. We have to be prepared at all times. Awesome.